The Essential Nephilim/Sons of God reading List

The mysterious Nephilim and “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6 have been a subject of debate and fascination for scholars, theologians, and readers of the Bible for centuries.

Who are these beings? Were they mythical figures, real humans or something more? The topic has generated a lot of interest and theories over the years, leading to a wealth of literature exploring the possibilities.

We’ve already compiled databases of ancient sources, modern commentators, myths and research papers on this topic. Still, sometimes you just need more general resources, so we continually update this essential reading list for anyone interested in diving deeper into this topic.

Whether you’re a biblical scholar or just curious about the Nephilim, these books, articles, videos and more will provide you with a solid understanding of the different viewpoints and theories.

So, without further ado, let’s explore the essential Nephilim/Sons of God reading list. We don’t claim to agree with everything presented in these resources, but we found them worth including for various reasons.

The best Articles about the Nephilim & Enoch

Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Sethians, Rulers, or Fallen Angels? – B. J. Oropeza (Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Azusa Pacific University and Seminary) does a great job in presenting the top three interpretations of the ‘sons of God’ and explaining their pros and cons.

There are hundreds of similar articles available online, but this one is included here because he goes into more textual detail and includes more outside references than most.

The Most Important Biblical Character You’ve Probably Never Heard of [Enoch] – Candida Moss (Scholar, historian and Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham) writes one of the most concise big picture overviews of how Enoch has been understood over the millennium, with an emphasis on the Book of Enoch itself. Although missing some of Enoch’s connections to other early histories/mythologies, this is one of the best articles I’ve encountered that helps center our understanding of the Book of Enoch, its origin, impact and history.

Is the “Sons of God” Passage in Genesis 6 Adapted Pagan Mythology?

Answers Research Journal – Lee Anderson, Jr. explores a big question and a common claim that the story in Genesis 6 is simply adapted from other myths.

Those Elusive Sons of God: Genesis 6:1–4 Revisited

Jaap Doedens (Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary) has done extensive research on the connection between the ‘sons of God’ in Genesis to the myths of other early civilizations. Here he summarizes the history of this debate and briefly explains many aspects. Much more in his incredibly thorough 2013 dissertation The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4.

Reintroducing the Myth of the Fallen Angels into Judaism – Prof.Rachel Adelman (Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Boston’s Hebrew College) examines the topic from the Jewish perspective throughout history, which is often overlooked in favor of Christian perspectives.

Genesis 6:4 BDC: Who were the Nephilim? – Edward Andrews (Bible Translator and CEO of Christian Publishing House) does a great job in introducing this question, but going in more detail above and beyond the typical articles found online.

Demonic Invasion

John MacArthur (pastor and author) gives a detailed sermon diving into his research and conclusions on this subject.

The Best Videos about the Nephilim & Enoch

The Best Books on the Nephilim and the Book of Enoch

Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim

Tim Chaffey (Answers in Genesis / Midwest Apologetics) has a highly researched book that thoroughly investigates every angle and rabbit hole related to the Nephilim, the sons of God and the Book of Enoch. This book stands above the majority of others thanks to his research, high regard for Biblical authority, and years of experience discussing and debating this subject.

A Collection of Bible Commentaries that Discuss the Nephilim

Instead of pulling out countless dusty old commentaries to compare their perspectives on Genesis 6, BibleHub has a convenient tool for comparing multiple commentaries at once!

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Interpretation: Angel

The Descent of the Gods book

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At the dawn of creation, watchers looked upon mankind from above and intervened.

Now the story from five millennia ago has been retold in The Descent of the Gods – a Biblical action epic set during the age before the Great Flood.

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Why We Need Systematic Biblical Nephilology

Why We Need Systematic Biblical Nephilology

Confronting “un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales” Ken Ammi’s critical analysis encourages a fresh perspective on the ancient accounts, offering a more nuanced understanding of the biblical Nephilim phenomenon.

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Why We Need Systematic Biblical Nephilology

Why We Need Systematic Biblical Nephilology

Confronting “un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales” Ken Ammi’s critical analysis encourages a fresh perspective on the ancient accounts, offering a more nuanced understanding of the biblical Nephilim phenomenon.

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